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 Заголовок сообщения: Braves greet Royals with their new normal lineup
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There are no surprises, lineup-wise, as the Braves head into their latest do-or-die scenario against the Royals:Back at it#BravesCountryAtlanta BravesSeptember 27, 2024Ozzie Albies is still hitting second, righty-righty concerns be damned. Ramon Laureano has now fully usurped Jarred Kelenics role. Sean Murphy and Travis dArnaud are basically splitting time, as they have , the Royals line up like this:Ready for Friday night baseball in City RoyalsSeptember 27, 2024This lineup has a bunch of players that didnt start the season in Kansas City Tommy Pham and Robbie Grossman are both on their third major league team, and Yuli Gurriel played at Gwinnett for much of the year but has actually done reasonably well given the fact that hes 40 years old in a tiny sample of 58 PAs so far. Overall, though, only four of that starting nine come in with an xwOBA over.311 against southpaws ; Garrett Hampson, Kyle Isbel, and Michael Massey David Wells Jersey, the latter of which is hitting third, have been abominable against lefties this year and have been at least somewhat shielded from facing them to this point.

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